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Take control of your finances now for the new financial year

If you set yourself money goals at the start of 2019, the upcoming new financial year is a great time to check if you’re on track.

If you set yourself money goals at the start of 2019, the upcoming new financial year is a great time to check if you’re on track.

And if you didn’t set any goals – or if you have strayed off track – this is the perfect time to get organised, write a checklist and stick with it!

Don’t wait until 1 July to start. Kick off now with these practical tips:

1. Set some goals

Think about what you want to achieve this financial year. Is it to save for something special, to curb your spending or to reduce your debts? Once you know what you’re aiming for you can set and achieve your goals.

2. Understand where your money goes

If you’re running out of money before payday, or you’d just like to get a better understanding of where your money goes, it’s probably a good idea to start tracking your spending.

3. Set a budget

Get serious about managing your budget. If you don’t already have a budget, now’s a good time to set one. Use AMPs budget calculator to work out your expenditure and find out how much you could put aside each payday.

4. Get your super sorted

Find out if you have any lost super and how you can consolidate it to avoid paying multiple fees. Or read about how you can boost your super and possibly lower your tax bill.

5. Consolidate your debt

Now might be the time to get rid of extra credit cards and opt for a single card with a lower interest rate and less fees. See Canstar for a comparison of credit cards. If you have a home loan, consider increasing your loan amount and using the extra money to pay off your other debts. A home loan usually has a lower interest rate than debts such as credit cards, so this will help you to avoid paying higher interest rates. If you don’t have a home loan, consider getting a personal loan at a lower interest rate to help you pay off your debts sooner.

6. See where you can make savings on big ticket items

Take advantage of end of financial year sales to buy big ticket items, such as cars, whitegoods or furniture. And be sure to do your research on products and prices, shop around and don’t be afraid to bargain. Make sure you get the best rates available on your frequent bills such as insurance and energy. Use comparison websites, such as to compare product benefits and costs and check Canstar to see how your interest rates and financial products stack up.

7. Commit to better money habits

Resolve to curb any costly bad habits that can drain your finances, such as paying for things that you can do yourself. Do you really need to outsource house cleaning or washing the car?

What else should you think about?

Working on your finances can be a bit daunting at any time, not just when the new financial year is drawing close. So if you’d like help with working out your financial goals contact us today for some help.

© AMP Life Limited. First published May 2019

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